does not automatically calculate shipping costs. Instead, our team manually adds the shipping fees to your order confirmation, calculated based on the weight and dimensions of the goods.

To give you an idea about the cost of shipping, we have simplified the following table with relative weights and measurements. Consider this table for informational purposes only as many other variables are used to calculate shipping (destination location, type of goods, insurance, etc.).

You may request a free, no-obligation quote inclusive of shipping costs by contacting our customer service team for further details.


Cost per weight of goods

Italy 0-5 Kg 6-10 Kg 11-25 Kg 26-50 Kg 51-100
15,00 € 20,00 € 25,00 € 30,00 € 50,00 €



Cost per volume of goods

Italy 1 cubic metre
40,00 €
Reserved area
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Ceramiche Angelo Licata
Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi 23/29 - 92027 Licata (AG)
Numero Verde 800.126.786 | e-mail

Invoice software